AQUILA’s approach to structural investigation work, which combines state-of-the-art non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment with future-oriented digital asset management, offers owners many benefits.

  • 1. Prevention of costly repairs

    Regular assessments can help identify minor issues that can be addressed before they develop into problems that require expensive repairs.

  • 2. Prolonging the structure’s life cycle

    The improved maintenance facilitated by high-quality structural inspections can extend the lifespan of a structure, reducing the need for premature replacement or major renovations.

  • 3. Reducing your asset’s carbon footprint

    Avoiding repair work and extending an asset’s service life can help minimize its overall environmental impact.

  • 4. Preserving property value

    Well-maintained structures retain their value better than neglected ones, making them more attractive to potential buyers.

  • 5. Minimizing loss of opportunity

    Neglecting structural investigations and any necessary repairs can lead to downtime or disruptions in operations, resulting in lost revenue or productivity.

  • 6. Ensuring safety and compliance

    Regular assessments help ensure that the structure meets safety standards and regulatory requirements, minimizing the risk of legal liabilities.

  • 7. Reducing insurance and financing costs

    Many insurance and financing companies offer better terms for structures that are well-maintained and have a lower risk of damage or failure.

What advantages are offered by AQUILA’s industry-leading structural investigation technology?

Future-ready, sustainable approach to asset management – meeting the expectations of authorities, investors and employees

State-of-the-art, paperless and highly automated NDT (non-destructive testing) equipment and software solutions 

Immediate centralized storage of all structural investigation data, as well as any available information relating to design, construction, inspection, maintenance or renovation, in an asset’s cloud-based ‘2D digital twin’

Secure online access facilitates collaboration with experts anywhere in the world – during structural investigations or at any other time  

Supports efficient planning of future maintenance and asset development work

Concrete benefits throughout your asset’s life cycle

Constructing new asset
(built by contractor)

Post-construction assessment


Pre-acquisition assessment

Maintenance assessments

Acquiring existing asset

Pre-renovation assessment

Renovating or
change of use



of asset

  • …prior to purchase of an existing property.

    Before acquiring a new asset, you want to know as much as possible about its condition. Was it constructed to a high standard? Has it been maintained well in the past? To what extent has it suffered from deterioration or other unwanted influences? Only by evaluating such issues can the true value of the asset, and the future cost of maintaining and operating it, be properly estimated.

  • …following completion of construction of your new asset or redevelopment of your existing one.

    After your asset has been newly constructed or redeveloped, you will be interested to know if the construction contractor has carried out the work to a high standard. AQUILA can carry out a so-called ‘birth certificate’-structural investigation, assessing agreed characteristics that require specialist NDT equipment and expertise. Establishing evidence of inadequacies in the construction can enable the owner to demand improvements, avoiding repairs and maximizing life-cycle performance. And even just the knowledge that an AQUILA structural investigation will be carried out post-construction will motivate contractors to take extra precautions to ensure the high quality of their work.

  • …in advance of the end of your construction contractor’s warranty period.

    A sensibly planned NDT assessment of your asset after several years of service, before the contractor’s warranty period has expired, can enable you to ensure that deficiencies – many of which may be difficult to detect by traditional inspection methods – are identified before it is too late to require the contractor to address them.

  • …throughout the asset’s normal service life.

    All structures require to be properly maintained on an ongoing basis, with regular assessments enabling any damage or deterioration to be recognized and evaluated. Having a two-dimensional “digital twin” of the type created by AQUILA maximizes the efficiency and effectiveness of this work by keeping all data – assessment records, observations, photographs, etc. – in one place that can be easily accessed and updated by authorized users, anywhere in the world. Monitoring of the deterioration over time of particular values or characteristics can enable risks to be managed and appropriate repair, strengthening or renovation work to be planned in an optimal way.

  • …prior to carrying out refurbishment or modification work on your asset.

    Before designing renovation work, your engineer will need to know as much as possible about the existing structure. Are the strength and condition of existing structural elements adequate to meet future needs? Will it be possible to cut through or remove specific elements without weakening the structure too much? Where are services and utilities located, and at what depth? Understanding such matters will enable the associated risks to be minimized – contributing first to lower pricing by the contractor, and then to the completion of your project on time and within budget.

  • …prior to putting your property on the market

    When selling an asset, you will want to highlight any positives that will help increase its value to a prospective buyer. If the structure is in good condition, demonstrate this by means of high-tech non-destructive testing. In the absence of any such verification, buyers will be likely to make overly conservative assumptions which allow for the structure’s condition to be far worse than it actually is. And seeing that the asset has been professionally assessed and maintained over the years will further increase the buyer’s confidence in the asset, enabling you to sell your asset more easily and at a better price.



The Get IT Right Initiative in the UK concludes that it is ‘highly probable that the total cost of error in construction is considerably greater than 10% of the total cost of construction’.


An Institution of Civil Engineers initiative concluded that the spend due to error is around seven times the profit of the UK construction industry.


For distributed fixed assets such as solar energy facilities, savings of up to 46% can be made by using modern structural investigation technology such as drones according to a case study cited by McKinsey.


bridges in the United States were in ‘poor’ condition in 2023, according to the Federal Highway Administration.


The use of high-tech structural investigation technology can make an asset substantially ‘greener’. A study by EY indicated that the value of a green building can be 21% higher than that of a non-green building.

Get in touch

If you would like further information or to arrange a structural investigation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.